In our Fall 2022 Newsletter, you read a lot about HQPD—High Quality Professional Development. The SABES Adult Education PD System provides PD offerings that are responsive to the Massachusetts Adult Education Standards for HQPD:

  1. HQPD acknowledges and addresses the unique context of ABE, the variety of preparation and experience with which adult educators come to ABE, and the diverse realities and needs of adult learners.

  2. HQPD has clear goals and objectives relevant to desired student outcomes.

  3. HQPD aligns with state, program, and educator goals and priorities.

  4. HQPD is informed by data, research, and/or standards relevant to the identified goals, objectives, and audience.

  5. HQPD is assessed to ensure that it is meeting the targeted goals and objectives.

  6. HQPD promotes collaboration among educators to encourage sharing of ideas and working together to achieve the identified goals and objectives.

  7. HQPD advances an educator’s ability to apply learnings from the professional development to his or her particular content and/or context.

  8. HQPD models good andragogical practice and applies knowledge of adult learning theory to engage educators.

  9. HQPD makes use of relevant resources to ensure that the identified goals and objectives are met.

  10. HQPD is taught or facilitated by a professional who is knowledgeable about the identified objectives.

  11. HQPD sessions connect and build upon each other to provide a coherent and useful learning experience for educators.

These standards have been informed by the work of the organization Learning Forward and adapted from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education High Quality Professional Development Standards.

Visit the adult education standards via the links below, and see a one-page flyer that compresses the standards into a more manageable bite. 

Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
English Language Arts
ESOL/English Learners
Math & Numeracy
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
Adult and Community Learning Services