Visit our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Math resource page.
Other resources for math instruction gathered and produced by the SABES PD Center for Mathematics and Adult Numeracy:
- Integration of English Language while Teaching Mathematics. A NCELA practice brief on effective instructional practices and examples for teaching math to English Learners.
- Google's Applied Digital Skills–Math Collection. Students use project-based learning to explore math topics such as probability, percentages, and fractions. These lessons teach students the basics of organizing data sets and using formulas in Google Sheets.
- Supporting ELLs in Mathematics. This set of materials provides concrete examples of how to support English language learners in the ABE math classroom. While the work was derived for K-12 and focuses on Common Core, it is extremely applicable to adult education and the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. Key places to look include: #2 (Principles for Math Instruction), #4 ("Language of Math" Task Templates), and Annotated Math Tasks (at the bottom of the page). The annotated tasks come from Inside Mathematics and Mathematics Assessment Project, both of which are used in CALM.
- Mathematics, the Common Core, and Language: Recommendations for Mathematics Instruction for ELs Aligned with the Common Core. This paper is part of the Understanding Language project at Stanford University. It provides detailed recommendations for supporting English Learners (ELs) in the math classroom, including a classroom vignette at the end that provides explicit connections to the recommendations outlined in the article.
- Using Digital Literacy to Open Up Math Word Problems. This resource provides some examples of how digital literacy can be used to open up traditional math problems to increase student engagement and deepen content knowledge.
- CollectEdNY. Resources for educators preparing adult students for high school equivalency and beyond.
- Singapore Strips How-To Video. Watch how Singapore strips—also called bar models or tape diagrams—can be used in the math classroom.
- Modeling Benchmark Fractions and Percents. This resource provides practice for using Singapore strips.
- Debunking Math Myths Regarding Learning Difficulties, Differences, and Disabilities. This article focuses on myths regarding research on learning disabilities related to math.
- Strategies that Support Learners with Disabilities, Differences, and Difficulties in the Mathematics Classroom (2018). This paper offers suggestions for strategies appropriate for teaching math to adult LD learners.
- Using the PIAAC Numeracy Framework to Guide Instruction: An Introduction for Adult Educators (2017). This guide encourages teachers to shift their teaching to focus more on the use of numeracy skills.
- 5 Great Reasons to Teach Number Lines. Think number lines are just for kids? Think again! Number lines are a flexible tool that can be used to strengthen students’ math comprehension knowledge in several ways.
- TIAN in Action: Teachers’ Stories. Seven adult education teachers who participated in the Teachers Investigating Adult Numeracy (TIAN) professional development series share stories of how their thinking and their practice have changed.
- CUNY HSE Curriculum Framework. This resource from the City University of New York (CUNY) offers teachers lessons for standards-based instruction. A well-written overview ties in current research, and additional resources are mentioned throughout.
- Adult Numeracy: A Reader. Four Papers from CAAL’s January 2011 Roundtable on Adult Numeracy. CAAL (Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy)’s hope is that these four papers will stimulate discussion about the need to improve math instruction in adult education, and prompt action by policymakers and providers at the federal, state, and local levels.
- Designing Instruction with the Components of Numeracy. This article (from the May 2008 issue of World Education) uses the Components of Numeracy to illustrate how to design effective lessons.
- Statistics for Action. This website includes activities, guides, videos, and other tools for bringing environmental issues into the math classroom.
- The Answer Is Still the Same—It Doesn’t Matter How You Got It! This document compares computation methods used in the United States and other countries for math teachers and students of various backgrounds.
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SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team