Students use project-based learning to explore math topics such as probability, percentages, and fractions. These lessons teach students the basics of organizing data sets and using formulas in Google Sheets.

Note to teachers:

The math skills and content knowledge required in these project-based lessons will need more support than is provided. We encourage teachers to provide, in advance, appropriate math support on the content (e.g., percentages, mean/median/mode). The digital skills in these Google lessons will be the focus of the tasks, not learning the math.

For example, in the Calculate Percentages in Google Sheets lesson, students will be asked to do multiple calculations in finding the percentages for purchased items with discounts, taxes, and fees. The use of Google Sheets and formulas is great for doing this after students understand how to do the math with estimation, reasoning, and paper/pencil work.

You can find CCRSAE-aligned lessons to appropriately develop the necessary math content knowledge in the Curriculum for Adults Learning Math (CALM), as well as in the 10-lesson Digital Literacy with Spreadsheets packets.

The Google Math Collection lessons are a nice add-on to the Add Spreadsheets to Your Math Teaching Toolbox Part 1: Surveys & Data and Part 2: Temperature Conversions workshop series, as well as to the Digital Literacy with Spreadsheets packets.

Topic Area
CCRSAE (College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education)
Digital Literacy
High School Equivalency (HiSET/GED)
Math & Numeracy
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team