
LiteracyPro's Jon Lee will facilitate this LACES session. This webinar will discuss data entry and data output of Class Enroll Types.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • LACES users who enter, edit, and track class and student data

This webinar will review data entry for Class Enroll Types and other helpful fields used for class management. In addition to data entry, data output will be heavily emphasized providing attendees the best methods for class data analysis. This will include creating relevant searches and custom views.

This session will be recorded.

Several days before the event, you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link from jane_brandt@worlded.org. *To ensure that you receive information about your training, please save jane_brandt@worlded.org to your email address book.*

To receive alerts for events related to LACES, make sure you’re signed up for notifications. Sign into your SABES account, click the “My Account” tab, select the “My Notifications” tab, and check off LACES.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Accurately report Class Enroll types
  • Create searches to better meet your needs for program and state reporting
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
03/18/2025 - 10:00 am to 03/18/2025 - 11:30 am

United States

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SABES Program Support PD Team - LACES
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