Welcome, MassSTEP Program Staff!
If you are looking for professional development and support for the development or implementation of your MassSTEP program, you are in the right place. The SABES Program Support PD Team provides professional development, resource curation, and customized coaching to MassSTEP programs. Read on for targeted news, resources, and PD offerings.
Official Guidance and Policy
If you have questions about MassSTEP policy or official guidance from ACLS (Adult and Community Learning Services), please refer to the ACLS MassSTEP webpage, which includes the MassSTEP Policies, Mission, Vision, and Values; Program Directory; and Application Instructions.
Current Offerings
Here are the FY25 PD offerings and resources available through SABES. As you sign up for these offerings, you will be directed to Canvas as appropriate. The MassSTEP Canvas page for sharing group meetings supports resource sharing and asynchronous discussions for all MassSTEP programs, whether or not you participate in Sharing Group meetings.
MassSTEP Sharing Groups
MassSTEP Sharing Groups are peer-facilitated sharing and learning groups that are organized around the common challenges, and successes, experienced by MassSTEP programs. All roles are welcome. ACLS is invited to some meetings to share and answer questions.
- Expanding MassSTEP Opportunity: Mar. 6, 2025 - 1-2:30 p.m.
- Meeting MassSTEP Expectations: Apr. 10, 2025 - 1-2:30 p.m.
- MassSTEP as a Career Pathway: May 15, 2025 - 1-2:30 p.m.
Build or Improve Your MassSTEP Curriculum (Completed)
Jan. 22, 2025 - Feb. 4, 2025: This two-part series has been designed to provide your program with curriculum strategies and examples, as well as the opportunity to receive feedback on your MassSTEP curriculum and learning objectives. Programs in any stage of curriculum development are welcome.
MassSTEP Program-Based Coaching (January - May 2025) (Enrollment passed)
Coaching from nationally trained IET (MassSTEP) coaches could help your MassSTEP program address some of the challenges you are currently experiencing, or some of your core MassSTEP questions. Read more about program-based coaching and/or share our flyer with colleagues.
MassSTEP Peer Resource Repository
Thanks to your requests, SABES is currently developing a repository of resources developed by other MassSTEP programs. The repository will become available in spring 2025 and will include lesson plans, SSLOs, marketing materials, and much more.
The resource repository needs your resources! Please take some time to submit resources that are sitting in your folders and on your desktops. Resource submissions are accepting on an on-going basis.
MassSTEP PD, on Your Schedule
This resource lists on-demand PD and resources organized by MassSTEP needs, roles, the amount of time required, and level of experience. Coming soon!
Individualized Support
Please reach out to dani_scherer@worlded.org with questions and requests.
Additional Resources
Visit the SABES Resource Library and use the drop down menus to view all resources within Career Pathways and MassSTEP (IET/ IELCE). See below for additional resources and on-demand PD offerings, categorized by PD priority area:
Developing Your MassSTEP Program:
- Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit: The Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit guides teams or individuals through the planning process for identifying, designing, and implementing an integrated education and training (IET) program that incorporates learner and employer needs.
- Integrated Education and Training 101: This is a summary of the basic composition and requirements of an IET program, as mandated by WIOA.
Developing Your MassSTEP Curriculum:
- Developing Basic Skills Curriculum for an IET: A Guide for the Pathways to Employment Program: This guide has been developed by Penn State University’s Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy (ISAL). The guide will help IET/IELCE programs and their partners adapt existing curriculum and/or develop new basic skills curriculum to help adult education students successfully complete occupational skills training and move forward on a career path.
- Designing IET Programs: The Single Set of Learning Objectives: This provides an introductory explanation and support for programs developing the single set of learning objectives for IET/IELCE programs.
- Planning for your IET Road Trip: Real Talk about SSLOs: This webinar provides a review of the team-driven approach to developing a Single Set of Learning Objectives (SSLOs) that will guide a successful IET program.
- Using ACES/TIF to Develop Workplace Preparation Activities: This webinar focuses on the workforce or workplace preparation activities required as part of any IET program.
Improving Your MassSTEP Program:
- Career Pathways Checklist: The Career Pathways Checklist is a way to ensure that your newly developed or existing workforce development/MassSTEP program meets the requirements for “career pathways” as described in section (3)(7) of WIOA.
- Integrated Education & Training (IET): Building Career Pathways for Participants at Every Skill Level: This document explains the three components of an IET as outlined in WIOA: Adult Education and Literacy, Workforce Preparation, and Workforce Training, and provides example overviews of how the three components of an IET could look in various sectors and at various student skill levels.
- Compendium of Innovative Practices: Adult Education Bridge Programs and Integrated Education and Training (IET) Programs: The Advancing Innovation in Adult Education team is identifying and highlighting innovative practices in IET programs. This compendium of five innovative practices is intended to increase adult education professionals’ knowledge about and interest in developing new products and processes.
- Integrated Education and Training: Implementing Programs in Diverse Contexts: This guide from the National College Transition Network (NCTN) shares how eight IET programs in diverse settings around the country (including Boston) are integrating education and training. The guide emphasizes the importance of tailoring your program design to the needs and resources of your local community.
- Contextualized Instruction Using Google Classroom & Supporting Hands-On Instruction and Demos Done Remotely: Delivering effective integrated education and training remotely can be an especially challenging task. This webinar recording shares tools for remote IET instruction, including Google Classroom, remote demos, and hands-on instruction.