Two adult education students sitting at a table

What's New at SABES?

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Two adult education students sitting at a table

What's New at SABES?

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Picture of 3 adult ed students sitting at a table

What's New at SABES?

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Directors Meeting 2024 - Academies Session

What's New at SABES?

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Directors Meeting 2024 - Academies session

What's New at SABES?

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Christine Cordio and Student: Karina Mendez of the Clinton Adult Learning Center

What's New at SABES?

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Table 4 Beyond the Checklist - 2024-01-26

What's New at SABES?

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ELA Breakout - Beyond the Checklist

What's New at SABES?

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Room View, with Pesha

What's New at SABES?

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Table 4 Beyond the Checklist - 2024-01-26

What's New at SABES?

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Beyond the Checklist - 3 around table

What's New at SABES?

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Ana and Sandra

What's New at SABES?

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Mental Health First Aid - 2023-02-10

What's New at SABES?

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Online Math & Numeracy Class 2020

What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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What's New at SABES?

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SABES, the Massachusetts adult education (AE) professional development (PD) system, provides high quality PD and support to increase educator effectiveness and strengthen programs.

SABES Professional Development

Curriculum & Instruction PD Teams

  • Content knowledge
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Instructional leadership
  • Learning disabilities and difficulties
  • Integration of digital literacy
  • Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment
  • Professional standards
  • Anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion

Additional Resources, PD, and Support

  • Website, calendar, registrations, resources, AE job board, video development, and SABES promotion

UMass Amherst training and support for

  • administering and scoring required tests
  • interpreting test results
  • (re)certification
  • Massachusetts adult education system information and resources
  • Partner organizations resources and events

What's New at SABES

In this 3-hour, asynchronous online course you will learn some of the hallmarks of effective math instruction so that you can be well-informed and know what to look for when you visit classes. You...

This 75-minute online workshop is for anyone involved in adult numeracy instruction who wants ideas for helping students develop a strong core foundation without relying on mnemonics to try to...

This resource offers suggested PD pathways for staff who are new to their role or new to adult education in general. Whether you are new yourself, or a program leader looking to complement your...

This video viewing guide accompanies the video From Awareness to Action: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Adult ESOL, Standard 3 CRST . It was created to facilitate a more active, engaging viewing...

SABES Tips and Highlights

Leading in extraordinary times

We are leading in extraordinary times, and we’re going to figure it out one day at a time.

Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Adult Education State Director, 

Adult and Community Learning Services

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

What Do ESOL Instructors Need To Know and Be Able To Do?

Review the Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult ESOL to find out. Then sign up for one of the SABES professional development sessions, which provide teachers with opportunities to investigate the standards and customize their own PD–whether they are novice or experienced practitioners. Look for ESOL courses on our SABES calendar.

Pandemic Commitment

"My students’ willingness to learn and work is amazing. It’s incredible how committed they are, despite the challenges of the pandemic. I am so proud of them!”

Sandra Ortiz, Lawrence Adult Learning Center

College & Career Math Standards Video Gets Nod from a Program Director

From a program director:

"I wanted to let you know that I just watched your overview of the CCR Math Standards, and was (again) so inspired! Thanks for putting your video out into the world, in the way you did."

Watch the video here.

Massachusetts Adult Education High Quality PD Standard #6

HQPD promotes collaboration among educators to encourage sharing of ideas and working together to achieve the identified goals and objectives. 

Massachusetts Adult Education Standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD)

Massachusetts Adult Education High Quality PD Standard #1

HQPD acknowledges and addresses the unique context of ABE, the variety of preparation and experience with which adult educators come to ABE, and the diverse realities and needs of adult learners. 

Massachusetts Adult Education Standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD)

Learning from Each Other

"I have also learned that there are different ways to approach a proportion question, and if the student can articulate his reasoning, then we can both learn from each other."

Making Sense of Proportional Reasoning, December, 2017

Definitely Increased My Understanding

"DESE places such a strong emphasis on the three instructional shifts that I believe they require a special understanding of how to incorporate them into ESOL lessons in the best, most practical ways possible. I'm so grateful to have taken the Recipes course and it has definitely increased my understanding of the three key instructional shifts. … Thank you so much and again, I really got so much out of the course!"

Michelle Walch, participant in The Recipe for Success: The CCRSAE and Instructional Shifts for ELA

When I think of our work

"When I think of our work, I think of a former student who was living in a car with her three children, and who is now the director of the same adult ed program that helped her succeed."

Luanne Teller, Co-director, SABES Program Support PD Center

It's about more

"It's about more than scoring well on a test, it's about being ready for college and career." 

Per Barbara Bradbury, Springfield Adult Learning Center at Springfield Technical Community College, about teaching students for success in their lives rather than for passing tests


Everything happens at the speed of trust 

--SABES Session on Coaching

Massachusetts Adult Education High Quality PD Standards

#2. HQPD has clear goals and objectives relevant to desired student outcomes.

#4. HQPD is informed by data, research, and/or standards relevant to the identified goals, objectives, and audience.

Massachusetts Adult Education Standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD)

The Massachusetts Adult Education Help Desk

Information about adult education programs and resources, online and at (800) 447-8844