Educational leadership makes a difference and has a significant correlation with high quality teaching and student achievement, with the determining factor being whether leaders focus on and understand the appropriate changes needed to improve their schools, as well as the leadership practices associated with implementing those changes.

Strong educational leaders know the value of teacher leaders who help to forge a shared vision and are vested in decision-making related to program improvement. Significant impact on academic achievement is realized when leaders actively empower teachers to engage in collaborative and self-directed professional learning.

The SABES Program Support PD Team provides support intended to build the capacity of directors to move from transactional to transformative leaders who create opportunities for staff development that promotes teacher leadership and innovative solutions.

Publications: Be sure to offer your free issues of The Change Agent and the COABE Journal.

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  1. Create a SABES account and set your notifications for Educational Leadership & Program Management
  2. Check the SABES Calendar for PD
  3. Review our asynchronous, "On Demand" PD series.