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The ELA C&I PD Center will come to you! In addition to our highly accessible online offerings, we offer ELA coaches for curriculum and EBRI (by June we will also offer writing coaches) and ELA facilitators, who will provide PD at your program location on:

  • Critical Friends (several shorter sessions over weeks or months)
  • MESCA—Making the ELA Standards Come Alive
  • Using Text Sets to Build Knowledge: Examine a text set, discuss the design of the coherently sequenced set of resources, consider implications for classroom instruction, and explore sources for text sets to use with your class
  • Science Skills for All Levels of Literacy: Reflect on and analyze the role of science process skills in your teaching and in your students’ learning as you both explore different activities and discuss which activities align with the seven science process skills. Appropriate for ELA and ESOL teachers of all levels of learners.

These are not regularly posted on the calendar; they are available to programs on request with enough advance notice.

Take advantage of this terrific opportunity to engage in face-to-face PD and coaching at times and locations that work for your program.

Contact Merilee Freeman, Director of the ELA C&I PD Center, at mfreeman@qcc.mass.edu or 508-854-4296.

04/02/2019 - 8:00 am
End Date

United States

PD Center
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area
CCRSAE (College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education)
Social Studies