
Instructional leadership is the keystone to a successful Adult Basic Education (ABE) program. The goal of instructional leaders at ABE programs is to ensure that each and every day, in each and every class, each and every student has a powerful learning experience. Research studies from the K-12 school systems spanning the past three decades link high quality instructional leadership with positive school outcomes which we can extrapolate to have similar importance for ABE. This three part series will provide new and experienced ABE directors and leadership team members with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully increase the professional capacity of each educator on staff to make a difference in their students learning.


The sessions will explore the instruction leaders' role in:

-leading, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum (this session will not be discussing the development of scope and sequence in curriculum. This topic is being covered by the SABES Professional Development Centers for ELA, ESOL and Math)

-providing effective ongoing differentiated support and feedback including an annual evaluation for all staff whether new or veteran educators

-facilitating a program culture of continuous improvement and professional growth for all

Time management strategies will be addressed to help participants fit instructional leadership responsibilities including support teachers through observations with timely, constructive feedback into their weekly routine.

We encourage participants to attend all of the session as they build on each other.  Please register for each session separately.

Leadership coaching over the next six months is an integral part of this professional development activity. Each participant will be assigned a peer coach who will help him/her integrate the new skills and knowledge from the face-to-ace sessions into his/her practice. Each leadership coach and participant will have a monthly coaching check-in which will take place via phone or webinar. The coaching sessions are instrumental in development your confidence and enhancing your competence as an effective instructional leader.

Instructional Leadership Part I: Leading, Monitoring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of CIA (Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment) - Wednesday, August 10, 2016. Total PD time 6.5 hours - 5.5 hours face-to-face and one hour of coaching. http://www.sabes.org/event/1259

Instructional Leadership Part II: Helping All Educators Get to Great - Wednesday, August 24, 2016. Total PD time: 8.5 hours - 5.5 hours face-to-face and three hours of coaching support. http://www.sabes.org/event/1260

Instructional Leadership III: Staff Evaluation and Supporting Professional Growth - Wednesday, October 5, 2016. Total PD time: 7.5 hours - 5.5 hours face-to-face and two hours of coaching support. http://www.sabes.org/event/1261

22 PDPs will be awarded for those applications that successfully complete the coursework.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the five components of a comprehensive system for supporting and evaluating staff (educator development and evaluation cycle of continuous improvement)
  • Develop a plan for establishing a comprehensive system for supporting staff professional growth for novice to veteran educators through peer coaching and induction (orientation programs)
  • List the components of a comprehensive system for supporting differentiated professional development for each staff member at your program
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
10/05/2016 - 9:30 am to 10/05/2016 - 3:30 pm

Immigrant Learning Center
442 Main St.
Malden, MA 02148
United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
PDP Eligible