
Do you wish you had someone to brainstorm with about how your year is going? What’s been surprising, challenging, and rewarding? In response to requests from directors for time to meet, network, and share strategies, the SABES Program Support PD Center is pleased to implement regional Directors’ Sharing and Learning Groups.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Novice and experienced program directors, coordinators, and other educational leaders who are interested in sharing and learning together

During the Directors’ Sharing and Learning Groups, the SABES Program Support PD Center Co-Director Luanne Teller will facilitate discussions so you can share ideas, strategies, challenges, and successes.

We are especially pleased that Andy Nash will be joining us (virtually) to discuss new PD support for the Educator Growth and Evaluation (EGE) model. Andy brings extensive experience to this project, including her work on the national LINCS Teacher Effectiveness initiative.

In addition, you will help us with some initial planning for FY20 PD. We will be discussing the launch of new PD for several initiatives in addition to EGE, such as the new Planning for Continuous Improvement PD series, new regional licensure cohorts, and updated guidance related to both program-based and Hub supported distance learning.

Please join us for the first of what we hope will become regularly scheduled meetings for mutual learning and support. Moving forward, we expect to customize the topics for these meetings according to your interests and needs.

For more information, please contact Luanne_teller@worlded.org.

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
05/07/2019 - 10:00 am to 05/07/2019 - 12:00 pm

World Education, Room: 7th large
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210
United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management