
Are you a busy adult educator trying to figure out how to squeeze in professional development?

The Program Support PD Center is excited to offer our new series of On-Demand PD videos. These previously recorded PD events are intended to provide you with “just-in-time” PD that is accessible to you anytime.

Best of all, these are no wait lists! As an added plus, once you access any of these videos, you can bookmark them and revisit them whenever needed.

While we continue to also offer the high quality, sustained, and interactive PD that you’ve come to know us for,  these resources can be valuable as part of your comprehensive PD plan.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Luanne_Teller@worlded.org.

Reminder: You can always access the Distance Education and Digital Literacy Online Discussion Padlet, which is chock full of resources and ideas shared by our Distance Education and Digital Literacy Coordinator Diana Satin and by colleagues. Take advantage of the resources organized by topics and post your own as well!


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • New and experienced adult educators who want to strengthen their practice and gain new ideas in areas related to distance education and digital literacy

The following PD activities are available to you for on-demand viewing. Please see the attachment to this calendar posting for the full session descriptions.

How does it work? Each PD event title is hyperlinked to a Google Form that will provide you with the direct link to the video.

The following topics are currently available. Happy viewing!

Communicating from a Distance

1. Communication Tools: Teaching, Advising, and Leading from a Distance

Tech and Tell Sessions

2. Tech and Tell: Developing Your Digital Strategy: Building a Culture of Digital Literacy at Your Program 

3. Tech and Tell: Northstar Digital Literacy Assessments and Curriculum: Building Blocks for Digital Literacy

4. Tech and Tell: Developing an Individual Student Digital Literacy Learning Plan

5. Tech and Tell: Using Digital Tools to Design Assessments

6. Tech and Tell: Designing Digital Learning Experiences

7. Tech and Tell: Making Digital Devices and Materials More Accessible

Online Products for Distance and Blended Education

8. Planning Now for Online Classes: Using USA Learns

9. Teaching Online Using Free Google Classroom Resources - Part 1: Getting Started and Using the Stream

10. Teaching Online Using Free Google Classroom Resources - Part 2: Assignments, Quizzes, and Organizing Student Work

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
12/08/2020 - 9:00 am

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support Team
Topic Area
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
Education Leadership & Program Management