
In this two-part series, participants will explore strategies and share best practices for enhancing contextualization in the development of workplace curriculum. Session 1 introduces strategies for using authentic materials and building lesson plans, and session 2 creates an opportunity for participant sharing. Between sessions, participants will design a lesson using strategies from session 1. 


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Teachers and coordinators in workplace education programs who would like to learn strategies for developing curriculum contextualized to the workplace
  • Teachers and coordinators interested in starting a Workplace Education Program, or those developing MassSTEP curriculum, that would benefit from contextualization strategies

Successful Workplace Education Programs depend heavily on contextualized curriculum that includes authentic materials and scenarios. This series provides tools, strategies, examples, and a supported activity to develop participants’ skills in a contextualized workplace education curriculum. 

Session 1: This session will give an overview of contextualization in ESOL instruction, with a focus on how to develop curricula for your workplace class or program that is responsive to student and workplace needs. Participants will engage in exploratory activities and discussions as they examine real examples of contextualized workplace curricula. The aim of this first session is to compile strategies for adapting authentic materials and creating student-centered lessons that build relevant language and workplace skills.

Between Sessions: Participants will implement some of the strategies from the first session by designing their own lessons and activities tailored to their particular context and learners.  

Session 2: In the second session, participants will share ideas and approaches to contextualizing curricula, and will further discuss strategies for addressing both workplace needs and student interests. Participants will reflect on the needs of their individual learning environments, as well as challenges in the workplace education context.

Schedule: The total time for this PD is 3 hours. All activities are required for completion. 

  • Session 1: February 11 from 1:00–2:00 pm (1 hour)
  • In-between session work, February 11–March 4 (estimated 1 hour)
  • Session 2: March 4 from 1:00–2:00 pm (1 hour)

Note: Once you register, you will receive the link to join the Zoom meeting about a week prior to the session. If you have any questions, please contact Ruzica_banovic@worlded.org

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Generate and refine contextualized lesson objectives that incorporate needs from the learners and the workplace
  • Utilize strategies for adapting authentic materials
  • Enhance the contextualization of your workplace education program curriculum materials
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
02/11/2022 - 1:00 pm to 02/11/2022 - 2:00 pm
03/04/2022 - 1:00 pm to 03/04/2022 - 2:00 pm

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support Team
Topic Area
Workplace Education