
High-quality instructional leadership is a critical element of an effective ABE program. The goal of instructional leaders at ABE programs is to ensure that each and every day, in each and every class, that each and every student has a powerful learning experience. Research studies from the K–12 school systems spanning the past three decades link high-quality instructional leadership with positive school outcomes.

These three modules will provide new and experienced ABE directors and leadership team members with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully increase the professional capacity of each educator on staff in order to make a difference in their students’ learning.

The snow date for Module 1 is February 15, 2017.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Novice to experienced directors and leadership team members

The three modules in this series are as follows:

Please register for each module separately. This listing is for Module 1 registration.

You are encouraged to attend all three modules as they build on each other. Module 2 is required prior to attending Module 3

 These modules will explore the instructional leader’s role in:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of your program’s curriculum. (This series will not cover the development of curriculum as this topic is covered by the SABES PD Centers for ELA, ESOL, and Math.)
  • Providing effective, ongoing differentiated support and feedback, including an annual evaluation for all staff, ranging from new to veteran educators, to ensure high-quality instruction.
  • Facilitating a program culture of continuous improvement and professional growth for all.
  • Organizing your time at the program to fit important instructional leadership responsibilities, including providing ongoing support through mini-observations with timely, constructive feedback into your weekly schedule.

A webinar is scheduled for each of the modules to help you integrate new skills and knowledge from the face-to-face sessions into your leadership practice. The webinar sessions are instrumental in developing your confidence and enhancing your competence as an effective instructional leader. New resources will also be provided. 

22 PDP's will be awarded for those applicants who successfully compete the three modules, including webinars:

  • Module 1 – Total professional development time is 7 hours: 5.5 hours face-to-face and 1.5 hours for webinar. 
  • Module 2 – Total professional development time is 7.5 hours: 5.5 hours face-to-face and 2 hours for webinar.
  • Module 3 – Total professional development time is 7.5 hours: 5.5 hours face-to-face and 2 hours for webinar.
    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Provide an overview of the roles and responsibilities of an instructional leader for an ABE program
  • Identify the components of high-quality standards-based instruction that will help build a common program vision of effective teaching
  • Identify strategies to use program data to monitor, evaluate, and align curriculum and instruction to improve student outcomes
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
02/08/2017 - 9:30 am to 02/08/2017 - 3:30 pm

Quinsigamond Community College - The Harrington Learning Center Room 109A
670 West Boylston St.
Worcester, MA 01606
United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
PDP Eligible