
The Program Support PD Center (PSPDC) team is excited to share our online repository of asynchronous, “On-Demand” PD, including a series that focuses on digital literacy that you can access whenever your schedule allows. 

We know that different times work best for busy adult educators to attend PD. Now, you can design your own flexible PD plan by accessing offerings when it’s most convenient for you! 

You can find this series on our new PSPDC On-Demand PD Google Site, which offers more than 30 sessions organized according to six strands:

  1. Advising and Communication
  2. Digital Literacy
  3. Distance Education: Planning and Protocols
  4. Distance Education: Tools and Products
  5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/Universal Design for Learning
  6. Program Management

There is no limit to how many of these sessions you can take, and there is no fixed deadline for completing them. Most videos are 60–90 minutes and include the companion slideshow and a facilitated discussion forum for exchanging ideas.

Questions? For more information, please contact dianarsatin@gmail.com.


Note these important details:

  1. To access these PD sessions, you will register via the links on the Google Site here. (You will not register via the calendar as you do for our regular, synchronous PD workshops and courses.)
  2. You will receive credit (PD hours) for attending these sessions, and also have the option to request follow-up support through individualized or program-based coaching and PD.

A final note: These PD sessions are intended to be a valuable part of your comprehensive PD plan and a response to requests for more flexible PD options. They are intended to complement—but not replace—the rich, collaborative learning that occurs during our high quality, sustained, interactive PD that you’ve come to know. 

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
03/12/2024 - 9:00 am

United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support Team
Topic Area
ADA & Disability Inclusion
Advising & Student Support Services
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
Education Leadership & Program Management