
The Northeast Advisors’ Sharing Group is a quarterly meeting of advisors working in the Greater Merrimack Valley and outskirts. Our goal is to share program updates as well as resources, strategies, and more! This group is open to any advisors and collaterals that have ABE resources available.



    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Both new and experienced advisors
  • Instructors who play a role in education and career planning and who want to share and learn about promising practices and resources

You are invited to join Northeastern MA ABE and ESOL advisors. We will gather to share program updates as well as share resources and strategies. 

Advisors from any region are welcome to join the Northeastern MA Advisor Sharing Group, although it will focus on Northeastern MA-area programs and concerns. Let us support each other by sharing resources, strategies, and successes.

Our next Advisor’s Sharing Group meeting will be at the MassHire Office in Lawrence. Parking is available diagonally across the street in the Northern Essex Community College Lot.  We will hear from MassHire staff about services offered and what might be beneficial for our ABE students.



Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
01/17/2024 - 1:00 pm to 01/17/2024 - 3:00 pm

420 Common Street
2nd Floor
Lawrence, MA 01840
United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Advising & Student Support Services
Topic Area
Advising & Student Support Services
PDP Eligible