
LiteracyPro's Jon Lee will facilitate this LACES session on the process of conducting follow-ups with students.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • LACES users who are responsible for contacting students after exit to collect follow-up information

This webinar describes the criteria for Table 5 outcomes and the process for conducting follow-ups with students to report on Table 5. During follow-ups, you obtain information about students' employment and educational progress after exiting your program. We will explain the criteria necessary for inclusion in the Table 5 denominators and provide guidance on entering the data for outcomes when students attain these measures.

This session will be recorded.  

Several days before the event, you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link from jane_brandt@worlded.org. *To ensure that you receive information about your training, please save jane_brandt@worlded.org to your email address book.*

To receive alerts for events related to LACES, make sure you’re signed up for notifications. Sign into your SABES account, click the “My Account” tab, select the “My Notifications” tab, and check off LACES.  

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • List the criteria for inclusion on Table 5 outcomes
  • Locate which students need follow-up surveys
  • Enter the follow-up outcome data
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
03/04/2025 - 10:00 am to 03/04/2025 - 12:00 pm

United States

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SABES Program Support Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - LACES
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