
In this online training, you will learn how to accurately administer both the reading and mathematics assessments of the Massachusetts Adult Proficiency Test (MAPT) so that students’ learning gains are reported accurately.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Practitioners from ACLS-funded programs who require training to accurately administer both the reading and mathematics MAPT assessments

This eight-module online training replaces the face-to-face version of the MAPT Administration Training. For each module, you will read some information relating to one aspect of the MAPT and administration procedures. The eight modules are as follows:

  •  Module 1: Background on the MAPT, What It Measures, and How it Works
  •  Module 2: The Components of the MAPT
  •  Module 3: Getting Ready with OWL and the MAPT System
  •  Module 4: Walking Through Login and the Student Home Page
  •  Module 5: Sample Questions and Practice Tests
  •  Module 6: Administration of the MAPT for Reading and the MAPT for Math
  •  Module 7: MAPT Results: Interpreting and Using MAPT Test Scores
  •  Module 8: Key Administration Policies for the MAPT


To register for the MAPT online training, visit this link: https://umassamherst.co1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cOzTFuhOmYmilX7

When you have completed all modules, you will be certified to administer the MAPT, and a confirmation page will load. You will also receive an email confirmation that you have completed the training, which you can keep for your records and forward to your program director as needed. SABES and ACLS will receive a notification of your completion of the module automatically as well so you will not need to contact either organization.

MAPT Policy Information:

For more information on the new ACLS policy for the MAPT Administration Training, see the August 2016 ACLS monthly mailing or the ACLS Assessment webpage:  http://www.doe.mass.edu/acls/assessment/

Please consult the MAPT Policy manual found on the ACLS website to determine if your program is required to use MAPT to measure educational gain: http://www.doe.mass.edu/acls/assessment/MAPTpolicy.pdf

 ACLS requires programs to have two staff members trained to administer the MAPT.


For help with online registration, call Nicola Machado at the SABES PD Center for Massachusetts ABE Assessments: 774-357-2278.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of standardized assessment
    Accurately administer the MAPT assessments for both reading and mathematics
    Understand the importance of the MAPT sample and practice questions
    Interpret MAPT scores
01/02/2018 - 8:00 am

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