
This two-day, 12-hour training is a follow-up to the "Scope & Sequence Part 1: Developing an ELA Scope & Sequence" training or the "Designing Integrated ELA Units" training.  It will provide an opportunity for each program team to work on fine-tuning its Scope and Sequence for English Language Arts (ELA). Major ideas related to the ELA Scope and Sequence will be reviewed on the first morning and "sticking points" will be surfaced and addressed as a group.  Participants will help shape the format of the workshop to ensure that it best meets their needs.

The remaining time will be spent working in teams to revise and further develop the program's Scope and Sequence, with periodic opportunities provided for feedback and guidance from the facilitator, state staff, and/or other participants.  PDP's will be awarded upon successful completion of the two-day training and all follow-up activities.


Requirements for participation in this training:

-Attend in teams comprised of a director (or curriculum leader) and at least one teacher

-Teams should have at least some members who participated in "Scope & Sequence Part 1" or in "Designing Integrated ELA Units."  Contact Merilee Freeman at the SABES ELA PD Center for exceptions.

-Attend the two-day training in full

-Bring a copy of the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (every participant should have his/her own copy; at least one print copy for the team is recommended)

-Bring at least one laptop for team work and access to an electronic version of the program's ELA Scope and Sequence (one per team)

-Bring or have access to a draft of the program's ELA Scope & Sequence, and to texts and materials to be incorporated into units under development during the workshop (per team)

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Critically analyze your program's ELA Scope and Sequence for the required features, degree of integration/contextualization, attention to the instructional shifts, and alignment with the College and Career Readiness Standards in Adult Education
  • Create or revise a plan to complete your program's entire ELA Scope and Sequence by the 2016 deadline
  • Access key online and personnel resources, including a state professional network, to enhance your professional work
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)

Teams should have at least some members who participated in "Scope & Sequence Part 1" or in "Designing Integrated ELA Units." Contact Merilee Freeman at the SABES ELA PD Center for exceptions.

11/04/2015 - 9:00 am to 11/04/2015 - 4:00 pm
11/05/2015 - 9:00 am to 11/05/2015 - 4:00 pm

World Education - 5th Floor Conference Room
44 Farnsworth St.
Boston, MA
United States

PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area
PDP Eligible