
This three-part training covers how to administer and interpret diagnostic reading assessments for AE learners, how to build individual reading profiles, and how to use this information to plan effective instruction. This training is a prerequisite for all further EBRI (evidence-based reading instruction) trainings. 
NOTE: Previous completion of or current enrollment in STAR trainings fulfills this requirement.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • ELA teachers of students at GLE 0–3 and 9–12 (for GLE 4–8, see http://sabes.org/star)
  • Program staff involved with assessing students' reading

EBRI is a set of practices for teaching the four essential components of reading (alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) that research has proven to increase the reading achievement of adult learners.

 Part 1 (10/2, face-to-face, 5 PD hours) covers three main areas:

  • The relationship between diagnostic assessment and EBRI
  • Practice in administering free individual assessments in alphabetics, fluency, and vocabulary
  • Using learners’ diagnostic reading profiles to determine their strengths and instructional needs (i.e., which components to emphasize and at what level)

 Part 2 (practicum, 4 PD hours) must be completed within two weeks of the initial session:

  • Administer a background questionnaire and the above assessments in alphabetics, fluency, and vocabulary  to one ABE learner
  • Using these results and the learner’s MAPT score for comprehension, build a Reading Profile Report that covers the learner’s assessment scores, a summary of the learner’s background questionnaire, a summary of the learner’s strengths and needs in reading, and suggestions for what materials to use and at what levels

Note: The trainer will provide individual written feedback on each participant’s report, and each report will be made available for all participants to read prior to the final online session.

 Part 3 (10/31, online, 2 PD hours):

  • Give a brief case presentation of the learner you assessed
  • Discuss the various learner profiles with the group, and share your assessment experiences and insights
  • Discuss some of the challenges you faced in implementing diagnostic assessment and some possible solutions to those challenges

 Note: Completion of all three parts is required in order to receive any PD hours.

Please note that parking is only available at street meters. TERC is a 10 minute walk from the Porter Square stop on the Red Line.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Explain why diagnostic assessment is critical to EBRI

  • Administer and interpret diagnostic assessments in alphabetics, fluency, and vocabulary
  • Create a learner's reading profile based on the above assessment results and the learner's MAPT reading score
  • Summarize the results in a brief Reading Profile Report to inform classroom instruction
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
10/02/2017 - 9:00 am to 10/02/2017 - 3:00 pm

TERC, Nelson Room
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States

PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area
Corrections Education
English Language Arts
Evidence-based Reading Instruction (EBRI)