
These online learning sessions will look at the importance of understanding why people volunteer in adult education. This is a two-part series, with one hour of work on participants’ own time in-between the two online sessions.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Anyone in the Adult Education field who supervises or works with volunteers.

We know about the importance of learner profiles, but what about volunteer profiles? Understanding why people volunteer with us, what background they bring, and what they hope to gain from the experience can help us shape effective recruitment, training, supervision, and recognition. In the first of this two-part online training, we’ll introduce the idea of volunteer profiles and the implications for recruitment, using The Literacy Project in western Massachusetts as a case study.

In the second part of the training, you’ll apply the idea of learner profiles to their own programs, and then look at how training, supervision, and recognition can follow the same framework. Between the two sessions, you will be asked to complete a program self-assessment. It is estimated that the assessment will take approximately one hour to complete.


  • Session 1: February 15, 2018 from 1-2:30 p.m.
  • Session 2: April 5, 2018 from 1-2:30 p.m.
    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Identify why it is important to understand volunteer profiles.
    Explain how an understanding of peoples’ motivation for volunteering impacts recruitment and supervision.
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
02/15/2018 - 1:00 pm to 02/15/2018 - 2:30 pm
04/05/2018 - 1:00 pm to 04/05/2018 - 2:30 pm

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
PDP Eligible