Title | Date | Overview |
Unpacking The Science of Reading to Inform ELA Instruction (Online Facilitated) | - |
In these sessions, learn about the Science of Reading and how it informs best practices in reading instruction. The presenter will summarize the growing body of research that informs the Science of Reading. Then, participants will explore explicit strategies and resources for teaching the components of reading using a structured… read more |
Instructional Leaders: Supporting Teachers with the ELA Proficiency Guide - January (Self-Paced Module) |
This new, self-paced course enables ABE instructional leaders to utilize a key resource, the ELA Proficiency Guide, to enhance English Language Arts (ELA) instruction in their programs. Along with the ABE Professional Standards, the ELA Proficiency Guide holds up a vision for effective instruction in ABE,… read more |
Beyond the Checklist: Elevating your Classroom Observation Experience (Online Blended) | - |
As a busy program director, do you wonder how you can find the time to visit classes and observe teachers and students in action? Are you looking for the right tools to help you observe instruction and provide meaningful, actionable, and standards-based feedback to teachers? Do you wonder what kind of feedback helps teachers make… read more |
Beyond the Checklist: Elevating your Classroom Observation Experience (Online Blended) | - |
As a busy program director, do you wonder how you can find the time to visit classes and observe teachers and students in action? Are you looking for the right tools to help you observe instruction and provide meaningful, actionable, and standards-based feedback to teachers? Do you wonder what kind of feedback helps teachers make… read more |
Beyond the Checklist: Elevating your Classroom Observation Experience (Online Blended) | - |
As a busy program director, do you wonder how you can find the time to visit classes and observe teachers and students in action? Are you looking for the right tools to help you observe instruction and provide meaningful, actionable, and standards-based feedback to teachers? Do you wonder what kind of feedback helps teachers make… read more |