Title | Date | Overview |
Project-Based Learning: An Approach That Works (Online Facilitated) | - |
Navigating twenty-first century life seems to involve one complex project after another! Find out how to transfer this reality to the adult education classroom via meaningful classroom projects. These projects not only draw on and develop an array of language and literacy skills, but also enhance "soft"… read more |
Introduction to Teaching Skills That Matter (Self-Paced Modules) |
This introduction to the … read more |
Integrating Equity Themes into (Almost) All ELA Lessons (Online Facilitated) | - |
Come and learn three standards-aligned strategies for integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into your ELA lessons. The strategies include 1) sharing content that addresses race and racism head on, 2) elevating student voice, so that students hear and respond to diverse peers, and 3) incorporating ways for… read more |
Introduction to Diagnostic Assessment of Reading - April (Self-Paced Modules) |
Introduction to Diagnostic Assessment of Reading is an online self-paced short course for anyone who wants to learn more about these diagnostic assessments and why they are so important to evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI). Practitioners who will actually administer these assessments should take the longer course,… read more |
Beyond the Checklist: Elevating your Classroom Observation Experience (Online Blended) | - |
As a busy program director, do you wonder how you can find the time to visit classes and observe teachers and students in action? Are you looking for the right tools to help you observe instruction and provide meaningful, actionable, and standards-based feedback to teachers? Do you wonder what kind of feedback helps teachers make… read more |