SABES Upcoming Events
Title Date Overview
STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading) Training 2024-25 (Online Blended) -

STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading) is a tried and true instructional initiative designed to build the reading skills of intermediate ABE learners at grade level equivalent (GLE) 4–8.9. In this comprehensive training, learn how to use… read more

Overview of EBRI - May (Self-Paced Modules)

This self-paced course is the first step on your evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) journey, providing an introduction to and an overview of EBRI. (Note: STAR training also covers this information, so STAR-trained practitioners do not need to take this Overview.) 

Teaching Adult Learners with Language-Based Learning Disabilities: An Overview (Online Facilitated) -

In this session, learn about common language-based learning disabilities (LBLD—difficulties related to the understanding and use of spoken and written language, such as dyslexia), and about specific strategies to support adult learners with LBLD. This session is the first… read more