Title | Date | Overview |
Win-Win Strategies for Career-Contextualized Teaching and Advising (Online Blended) | - |
MA adult education programs are required to provide students with career exploration skills while simultaneously building academic skills though they are often unsure how to go about it. Providing standards-based career contextualized instruction is a win-win for teachers, advisors, and students as it maximizes the… read more |
Win-Win Strategies for Career-Contextualized Teaching and Advising (Online Blended) | - |
MA adult education programs are required to provide students with career exploration skills while simultaneously building academic skills though they are often unsure how to go about it. Providing standards-based career contextualized instruction is a win-win for teachers, advisors, and students as it maximizes the… read more |
ELA Instructional Strategies and Study Skills for Students with Language-Based Learning Disabilities (Waltham) | - |
People with language-based learning disabilities (LBLD) often encounter difficulties with organizational and academic skills, including reading and writing. In this PD opportunity with the … read more |
ELA Instructional Strategies and Study Skills for Students with Language-Based Learning Disabilities (Waltham) | - |
People with language-based learning disabilities (LBLD) often encounter difficulties with organizational and academic skills, including reading and writing. In this PD opportunity with the … read more |
Supporting and Engaging English Learners in ABE Classes (Online Blended) |
This informative and engaging four-part workshop is designed to increase Adult Basic Education (ABE) teachers’ understanding of the needs of English learners (ELs) in the ABE classroom to provide practical strategies and resources to better address these needs. This workshop is co-hosted by the SABES ESOL and ELA PD Teams… read more |