Title | Date | Overview |
Supporting and Engaging English Learners in ABE Classes (Online Blended) |
This informative and engaging four-part workshop is designed to increase Adult Basic Education (ABE) teachers’ understanding of the needs of English learners (ELs) in the ABE classroom to provide practical strategies and resources to better address these needs. This workshop is co-hosted by the SABES ESOL and ELA PD Teams… read more |
Promoting English Learners’ Success Through Scaffolding (Online Facilitated) | - |
Come see how to scaffold learning so that ALL learners can have success with complex tasks regardless of their English proficiency levels! Scaffolding includes building on learners’ prior knowledge, promoting supportive classroom interactions, providing language supports and tools, and assessing when learners are ready to move to… read more |
Promoting English Learners’ Success Through Scaffolding (Online Facilitated) | - |
Come see how to scaffold learning so that ALL learners can have success with complex tasks regardless of their English proficiency levels! Scaffolding includes building on learners’ prior knowledge, promoting supportive classroom interactions, providing language supports and tools, and assessing when learners are ready to move to… read more |
Overview of EBRI - March (Self-Paced Modules) |
This self-paced course is the first step on your evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) journey, providing an introduction to and an overview of EBRI. (Note: STAR training also covers this information, so STAR-trained practitioners do not need to take this Overview.) |
Supporting and Engaging English Learners in ABE Classes (Online Blended) | - |
This informative and engaging four-part workshop is designed to increase Adult Basic Education (ABE) teachers’ understanding of the needs of English learners (ELs) in the ABE classroom to provide practical strategies and resources to better address these needs. This workshop is co-hosted by the SABES ESOL and ELA PD Teams… read more |