SABES Upcoming Events
Title Date Overview
Reasoning With Ratios in the ESOL Classroom (Online Blended)

Adults encounter ratios and proportions all the time in news or media statistics as well as when estimating risk, shopping for the best deal, creating mixtures and recipes, or performing countless other daily activities. The ability to reason about these numerical relationships develops over a long period of time… read more

Getting Started with Problem-Based Learning (Online Facilitated) -

We want our students prepared to earn their high school credential and develop employability and life skills, while incorporating CCRS content standards. We can accomplish all this with… read more

A Degree of Change: Exploring Global Climate Change (Online Facilitated) -

What does one degree of increased average global temperature really mean? How might such changes affect each of us, or our relatives and friends in other parts of the world? In this 2.5-hour facilitated session, we will explore and discuss tools, strategies, and resources for teaching about global climate change. 

Will This Be on the Test? (Online Facilitated) -

Standardized testing, whether it is for high school equivalency or measuring student gains, is a major concern in adult numeracy classes. It can be tempting to "teach to the test" in the hopes of getting students ready to get a passing score as quickly and painlessly as possible. However, making test preparation the main focus of… read more

Beyond the Checklist: Elevating your Classroom Observation Experience (Online Blended) -

As a busy program director, do you wonder how you can find the time to visit classes and observe teachers and students in action? Are you looking for the right tools to help you observe instruction and provide meaningful, actionable, and standards-based feedback to teachers? Do you wonder what kind of feedback helps teachers make… read more