Hands holding up devices

This collection of  resources has been developed for advisors so that they can help students with the career awareness and exploration process. We developed this resource based on requests from the field. While there are many tools out there, advisors wanted to know when to use which tools and with which students, depending on their level, need, and purpose. This curated and annotated list provides information to help advisors and others select the resources that their students can use to move forward on their career paths, while considering their literacy and digital skills. 

We include tips, ideas, and additional support for use with English language learners, those with disabilities, and learners in corrections programs (where applicable). Many resources also provide suggestions from peers.

This is a "live" document that we will regularly update with new resources and tips as we gather them from the field. You may reach out with additions or suggestions: dani_scherer@worlded.org


Topic Area
Advising & Student Support Services
Career Pathways
Advising and Student Support
Career Pathways
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Advising & Student Support Services