ELA logo: booksWelcome to the SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Team (ELA PD Team)

What's New?

About Us

The SABES ELA PD Team provides ELA professional development and support, including self-paced courses, online and in-person workshops, coaching, and resources related to ELA curriculum and instruction. Based at World Education in Boston, MA, we serve adult education programs throughout Massachusetts.

Have a question or idea? Need a coach? Write to us!

Karen Greaves, Instruction and PD Specialist (karen_greaves@worlded.org)
Elena Ruiz, Project Coordinator (elena_ruiz@worlded.org)

PD Opportunities

See ALL currently scheduled ELA PD (including online self-paced courses) or search the SABES PD Calendar. Note that participants from MA ACLS-funded programs have priority for event registration, but others are welcome as space allows.

Coaching and program-based PD are available to ACLS-funded programs on request. Please write to us to request specific PD or coaching.

Key Resources

Find all ELA resources at ELA: Resources, Research, and Curriculum, or browse our curated pages:

Featured Resources

NEW! ELA and Social Studies Teaching Resources for Black History Month

NEW! Instructional Video: Evidence-Based Reading Instruction - Comprehension Strategies


ELA: Upcoming Events


Using the ELA Proficiency Guide to Enhance Teaching and Learning - February (Self-Paced Modules)

This self-paced course introduces ABE/ASE practitioners and instructional leaders to the ELA Proficiency Guide, which applies the Massachusetts ABE Professional...


Introduction to Teaching Skills That Matter (Self-Paced Modules)

This introduction to the Teaching Skills That Matter in Adult Education provides an overview of the TSTM instructional framework and...


ELA Instructional Strategies and Study Skills for Students with Language-Based Learning Disabilities (Waltham)

People with language-based learning disabilities (LBLD) often encounter difficulties with organizational and academic skills, including reading and writing. In this...

ELA: Resources, Research and Curriculum


Instructional Video: Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (EBRI) in the ABE Classroom - Comprehension Strategies In this video, Stephanie Gaboury of the...


Welcome to the Coaching Hub for Adult Education Practitioners! Whether you seek support in instructional strategies, program leadership, or...


This resource offers suggested PD pathways for staff who are new to their role or new to adult education in general. Whether you are new yourself, or...

ELA: Our Team

Instruction and PD Specialist
Project Coordinator
E-Learning Associate