ELA logo: booksWelcome to the SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Team (ELA PD Team)

What's New?

About Us

The SABES ELA PD Team provides ELA professional development and support including self-paced courses, online and in-person sessions, coaching, technical assistance, and resources related to ELA curriculum and instruction. Based at World Education in Boston, MA, we serve adult education programs throughout Massachusetts.

Have a question or idea? Need a coach? Write to us!

Karen Greaves, Instruction and PD Specialist (karen_greaves@worlded.org)

PD Opportunities

See ALL currently scheduled ELA PD (including online self-paced courses) or search the SABES PD Calendar. See the SABES ELA PD Year-at-a-Glance to help plan your ELA professional development for the year. Note that participants from MA ACLS-funded programs have priority for event registration, but others are welcome as space allows.

Coaching and program-based PD are available to ACLS-funded programs on request. Please write to us to request specific PD or coaching.

Key Resources

Find all ELA resources at ELA: Resources, Research, and Curriculum, or browse our curated pages:

ACLS-funded programs continue to have access to a statewide Newsela account for FY24.

ELA: Upcoming Events


Introduction to Diagnostic Assessment of Reading - September (Self-Paced Modules)

Registration Closed

Introduction to Diagnostic Assessment of Reading is an online self-paced short course for anyone who wants to learn more about...


Teaching Adult Learners with Language-Based Learning Disabilities: An Overview (Online Facilitated)

In this session, learn about common language-based learning disabilities ( LBLD —difficulties related to the understanding and use of spoken...


Recipe for Success 2.0: The The ABE Content Standards & Instructional Shifts for ELA (Self-Paced Modules)

NEW! This engaging course provides an introduction to the ABE Content Standards for English Language Arts (ELA) described in the...

ELA: Resources, Research and Curriculum


The Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Basic Education (often referred to as the ABE Professional Standards ) outlines what is...


SABES has created ELA-based vignettes that illustrate one or more of the indicators included in the ABE Professional Standards (DESE 2021). The...


At the beginning of 2024, the SABES English Language Arts (ELA) PD Center partnered with colleagues at World Education to host our first iteration of...