Summary of key points about Translanguaging- What, Why, How

The definition of translanguaging has evolved over time, starting with the concept that multilingual people naturally use their various languages in everyday use as they make sense of their bilingual (or multilingual) environments. In recent years, the concept of translanguaging has drawn attention in the field of education, especially by those who believe that people's ability to use their known languages can amplify their learning. 

Research has shown that translanguaging by multilingual learners can empower them to recognize and use their full linguistic repertoire and knowledge as an asset in communication. Teachers' orientations toward language knowledge as a right and resource can influence policies and practices that support language learners in language-affirming learning environments. 

This resource shares a collection of blog posts and articles that help to clarify the meaning of translanguaging and its potential as an antiracist strategy for the ESOL educator.  

Topic Area
ESOL/English Learners
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Action Type