
Note: The location of this meeting has changed from New Bedford to Boston.

Join the SABES Program Support PD Center as we kick off the year with our first in a series of regionally-based Learning for Leading Directors’ Cohorts. Our first meeting will be co-hosted in collaboration with the SABES Math, ELA, and ESOL Curriculum and Instruction PD Centers.  

Come hear about the priorities and work of the new SABES Program Support PD Center, learn what the SABES Centers have planned for the year to help your program achieve your desired student outcomes, and share your suggestions for how we can respond to your PD needs and challenges.

See also: SABES Program Support PD Center: Professional Licensure Support: New Regional Cohorts Being Launched for ABE License-Seekers!


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Local program directors, coordinators, and educational leaders

Directors play a pivotal role in program success. You lead a multi-disciplinary team of instructors and advisors with the common aim of designing and implementing program models and strategies that place learners at the center of your efforts so they can achieve their goals. To support this process, SABES develops meaningful PD that supports educators in having and meeting high expectations, and promotes practices to accelerate student learning and outcomes.

The SABES PD centers will provide directors with information on the revised SABES PD system to help you lead your team in the development and implementation of a comprehensive program of curriculum and instruction and advising that prepares students for next steps in their educational and career pathways. We’ll discuss the connection between high quality professional development and improved program delivery, educator practice, and student outcomes, and brainstorm ways to maximize participation in PD and use of the comprehensive SABES resources.  

The main meeting is 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. New directors are invited to bring lunch and stay for a special new director orientation to SABES from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Veteran directors are welcome to stay to network over lunch.

Presenters: Luanne Teller, Sandy Goodman, Donna Curry, Merilee Freeman, Dori McCormack

The SABES Program Support PD Center will host additional Learning for Leading cohort meetings throughout the year according to directors’ interests and availability. The Directors’ Learning for Leading cohorts are intended to establish a community of practice (CoP), cultivate opportunities for networking and sharing, and foster a commitment to continuous improvement to aid the effective implementation of new, WIOA-informed program models and outcomes.



10/23/2018 - 9:30 am to 10/23/2018 - 1:00 pm

World Education, Inc., Room 9C
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210
United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
PDP Eligible