STAR Summit Flyer

The STAR Summit for all STAR teachers and directors is taking place on May 20, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Devens Common Center.


This summit is designed with you in mind!  We are asking the FY10-15 STAR Programs to bring along something from your STAR class(es) to share for the opening activity, labeled with the names of your Program and you. Any questions about this, please contact Merilee Freeman at 508-854-4296.

Our keynote speakers are Jane Meyer, a National STAR Trainer and STAR Subject Matter Expert and Laurie Martin, a National STAR trainer and ABE Professional Development Specialist from Illinois. It is a great honored for us to have them come and share their expertise with us. 

The STAR Summit is required of all STAR teachers and directors to attend.

Please note that registration for the STAR Summit is not available for non-STAR teachers and directors. The registration form is at the bottom of this page.

This is one summit you will not want to miss!

05/20/2016 - 9:00 am to 05/20/2016 - 3:00 pm

Commons Center
31 Andrews Parkway
Devens, MA 01434
United States

PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area