
This 5.5-hour workshop explores the ways you can use the new Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education (MA ELPS) to increase academic rigor in adult ESOL instruction.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Novice and experienced adult-ESOL teachers who will use the MA ELPS to support curriculum development and lesson planning

The new MA ELPS integrate English language development and college and career readiness into one comprehensive document. In this in-depth, hands-on workshop, you will build on what you learned from the SABES online overview of the MA ELPS and develop more confidence applying the standards to your teaching practice. 

You will:

  • Analyze the MA ELPS document itself
  • Compare the new document with the previously used Massachusetts ABE Curriculum Framework for ESOL and identify examples of increased academic rigor 
  • Learn how to apply the standards and benchmarks most relevant to your class levels and students' needs
  • Practice creating learning activities that will promote both student engagement and academic rigor
    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Locate relevant information in the MA ELPS
  • Make connections between the MA ELPS and the Massachusetts ABE Curriculum Framework for ESOL
  • Match MA ELP standards and threads with learning objectives
  • Align MA ELP standards and benchmarks with unit goals within a curriculum scope and sequence
  • Use content topics within the MA ELPS to plan lessons and learning activities
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)

Before attending this workshop, you are required to complete the online Overview of the MA ELPS, which is available on the ESOL C&I Center page on the SABES website. The Overview is three 20-minute self-paced modules which provide key background information about the purpose, development, and organization of the new MA ELPS. 

You can find the Overview here:  https://www.sabes.org/content/ma-elps-massachusetts-english-language-proficiency-standards-document-and-overview-videos

09/20/2019 - 9:30 am to 09/20/2019 - 3:30 pm

2067 Mass. Ave. - Nelson Room
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States

PD Center
SABES English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area
CCRSAE (College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education)
Curriculum Development
Professional Standards
ESOL/English Learners
New Staff