
How do programs create a culture of digital literacy? Come hear specific ways many programs have built in access, practice, time, and space for both staff and students to increase their digital literacy.

This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to consider ways to build your program’s capacity to embrace a culture of digital literacy. For the program, this means building in access inside and outside the program space. For staff, this means being supported in developing their capacity to fully integrate digital literacy in their work with learners. For learners, this means being supported in building the digital access and skills they need to fully engage in their communities, careers, and further educational experiences.

Unable to attend? Register and receive the webinar recording and assignment instructions, and complete by October 30.

Note: This is the first of a series of monthly webinars, which are modeled after the effective Tech and Tell series developed by our IDEAL partners and colleagues at TCALL, Texas A&M University. TCALL provides professional development for the Texas adult education system. We are grateful for their collaborative spirit and sharing of successful practices.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Directors, teachers, advisors, tech coordinators, and others who support staff or student digital literacy

WIOA defines digital literacy as “ the skills associated with using technology to enable users to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information."¹

This means that in addition to making technology available, programs need to build each learner's capacity to think critically about how to use technology in meaningful and productive ways.

This webinar will introduce ways for programs to develop, adopt, and embrace a robust digital literacy strategy that will benefit teachers and learners alike.


  • The webinar will be Wednesday, October 16 from 10:00 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m.
  • Following the webinar, your assignment will be to respond to one strategy discussed in the webinar and to describe a plan for strengthening the culture of digital literacy at your program or in your work with students (by October 30).

 The total time for this PD activity is approximately 2 hours. We estimate the time as follows:

  • Facilitated webinar: 1 hour
  • Assignment: 1 hour

Note: These Tech and Tell webinars will be offered on the third Wednesday of each month from 10:00 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m., so we encourage you to save the following dates, and look for more that will be scheduled in 2020:

  • November 20: Using the Northstar Digital Literacy Resources
  • December 18: Making Computer and Other Devices More Accessible

 ¹Museum and Library Services Act of 2010

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Describe a plan for strengthening the culture of digital literacy at your program or in your work with students, such as one or more of the following: building staff skills, building student skills, increasing technology access and use in and outside the program, or another goal
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
10/16/2019 - 10:00 am to 10/16/2019 - 11:00 am

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support PD Team - Digital Literacy
Topic Area
Digital Literacy