
Many programs are working hard to increase awareness of the importance of counting every resident in the 2020 Census. Thanks to our ongoing partnership with the National Coalition for Literacy (NCL), we are excited to share this opportunity for your students and staff to become 2020 Census Ambassadors, to spread the message about the importance of participation in their communities.

At our upcoming training of trainers, we’ll show you how! Join us for two webinars, on March 11 and April 15, to receive step-by-step instructions and all the materials you need so your students and staff will be able to speak knowledgeably about the census and why it matters.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • All adult educators and students interested in promoting the 2020 Census

The census is a big deal for all of our communities! With the data gathered just every ten years, the federal government decides how to distribute funds to states and how to apportion representation in congress. An under-count would have a long-term and significant impact on our adult education programs and on our students’ communities. As adult educators, we have a chance to share important information with our students so they can decide how to participate in this pivotal moment. 

We are offering two ways to carry out the training: 1) in the classroom, with the teacher leading the training, and 2) program-wide, with a staff person leading the training for all interested staff and students. Between webinars, there will be a facilitated Community of Practice so you can pose questions to the trainer and share challenges and best practices with each other. There is no cost for this training, but you must register! If you can’t make one or both of the webinars, please register anyway, and we will send you a link to the recording of the webinar, as well as a copy of the slides.

Note: This training is being offered in partnership with NCL, so you will register directly via the following links rather than on the SABES Calendar.

  • March 11 at 2:00 -- register here
  • April 15 at 2:00 -- register here

We thank the National Coalition for Literacy for their generous funding to support this Census Ambassador training.

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
03/11/2020 - 2:00 pm to 03/11/2020 - 3:00 pm

United States

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Civics and Citizenship
Education Leadership & Program Management
Family Literacy