
Did you know that the SABES Program Support PD Center offers customized, program-based PD and coaching to Massachusetts programs funded by ESE?

As resources allow, we are able to work individually with program teams to support a specific improvement area based on your needs. This can take several different forms:

  • Group PD for your team based on a specific continuous improvement goal or collective staff need, often complemented by follow-up coaching
  • Individual coaching for program directors or advising teams based on a specific need
  • Other: Not sure what this could be? We can brainstorm with you to design something that will work for your program and team.

We are making this opportunity available to up to three programs per month from March through June. In FY21, all PD is being delivered virtually.

 Next Steps? 

  1. Please review the “Description” below for more information and the criteria for requesting this option.
  2. Directors must be involved and support this option so you will not be able to register directly through SABES.

    If interested, program directors should please complete this Request Form.
  3. We will then follow up with you to explore options. 

Please note: As resources allow, we hope to support 2-3 programs per month, although possibly more depending on the nature of requests. Requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • ESE-funded program teams that are interested in strengthening areas that the Program Support PD Center supports: Program Management and Educational Leadership, Digital Literacy and Distance Education, Advising, and Career Pathways

Please note the following criteria for SABES Program Support PD Center customized, program-based PD.

  1. Program-based PD is intended to support meaningful change.
  2. This option is currently available to ESE-funded adult education programs in the following areas:
  •  Program Management and Educational Leadership
  • Creating an Advising Program
  • Digital Literacy
  • Creating Effective Distance Education/Blended Learning Options
  • Career Pathways
  • Recruiting and Onboarding Students
  1. We generally offer individual coaching to directors or advising teams. Program-based PD is generally available with a minimum of eight people; however we will work with you depending on individual circumstances. For example, programs may invite programs with similar PD needs.
  2. Program-based PD and coaching are not intended to supplant existing PD. We encourage programs to take advantage of existing PD opportunities, many of which include coaching options and communities of practice (e.g., Planning for Continuous Improvement, Educator Growth and Effectiveness, and Distance Education online courses).
  3. Programs and PD specialists for this work are selected as resources allow and based on the potential feasibility and impact of the program request.

Complete this Request Form for more information. Note that the service is not available for signup via this event notice.

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
05/11/2021 - 9:00 am

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support Team
Topic Area
Career Pathways
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
Education Leadership & Program Management