
Have you ever wondered exactly what people mean when they talk about "integrating digital literacy into instruction"? What it looks like in real classrooms with real students?

In this workshop, you will learn about WIOA’s definition of digital literacy, ACLS policies, and the Digital US definition of digital resilience. You will review examples of digital literacy standards and consider how they can serve as a framework for your planning. You will explore what these concepts look like in real life, including examples from Teaching Skills That Matter (TSTM).

As part of this interactive workshop, you will work in small groups to begin drafting a plan to bring back and discuss with colleagues at your program.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Teachers, tutors, advisors, and others who would like to implement high-quality, evidence-based instruction that maximizes opportunities for students to build their digital literacy and digital resilience

Over the past two years, we all have realized how essential digital literacy and digital resilience are for full participation in classes, at work, and for daily life. As adult educators continue to work very hard to create opportunities for equitable access by helping students acquire these critical skills, the reality in our classrooms pose some big challenges.

Imagine a class in which some students are unsure of how to navigate the Internet while others surf with ease; in which some are unfamiliar with using computers but are adept at using their phones (albeit only for texting, taking photos, and family video calls); in which others are clamoring for more online resources to accelerate their learning. Chances are you do not need to “imagine” such a class because this scenario is all too familiar.

This online workshop will provide you with an understanding of key concepts related to digital literacy and digital resilience, along with guidance on how to address them through a deliberate, cohesive plan that leads to student growth in understanding, confidence, and capacity to use digital literacy skills for existing and future needs.

This is the first in a series of five online workshops coordinated in partnership among the SABES Program Support PD Center and the three SABES Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) PD Centers.

Look for these to be posted to the SABES Calendar soon!

  • ESOL: 2/16
  • English Language Arts: 3/23
  • Mathematics and Adult Numeracy: 4/28 and 5/9

These C&I PD Center workshops that follow will build upon the core concepts in this workshop and provide content-based guidance, examples, and experiential activities that will empower you to integrate digital literacy strategies in your classroom and program. Together, these sessions are intended to prepare you to build your students’ digital literacy for today’s needs and, of equal importance, their capacity to adapt to new technologies for new purposes in the future.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Describe digital literacy and digital resilience and explain why each is important for both staff and students in adult education programs
  • Use a set of digital literacy standards to begin prioritizing at least two areas for planning within your class or program
  • Begin drafting a plan to discuss with your program colleagues
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
01/24/2022 - 1:00 pm to 01/24/2022 - 2:30 pm

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support Team
Topic Area
Digital Literacy
Education Leadership & Program Management
ESOL/English Learners
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
PDP Eligible