Advising students from a distance on career planning and job searching is very different than when sitting together with them in person. Learn how to introduce and use career planning and job searching tools while using tech tips and strategies that increase engagement and build student’s digital literacy skills. Participants will work on a personal goal related to remote career planning and job searching with students.
We will also discuss ways the advising tools are relevant to those working with students who have beginner level digital literacy skills and students who won’t access the tools themselves, including offline options for those working in settings with limited or no connectivity, such as corrections.
In this evening version of the offering, participants will watch a recording of the original webinar on their own time, and attend a live webinar discussion on Tuesday, March 8 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.
- Advisors, teachers, and anyone interested in using technology to support students in reaching their educational and career goals from a distance
This professional development activity/course is designed for:
Participants will identify a career planning or job search goal they have with students, and formulate a plan to address this goal, using digital literacy tips and strategies.
With a clear purpose in mind, we will discuss ways to leverage free career planning and job search tools, from the Massachusetts Career Information System (MassCIS): JobQuest, O*Net's MyNextMove, and MassHire, including offline and multilingual resources and support.
We will also investigate how communication tools, such as Zoom, Remind, and Screencast-O-Matic, can be leveraged to support students’ use of the previously mentioned tools. The tech tools can be used to help students navigate many complex websites and processes from a distance. Come ready to share resources and practices you have found to be successful.
The total time for this PD activity is approximately 2.5 hours.
The course schedule is as follows:
- Before the webinar: Create a username and password for MassHire Career Information Systems (CIS) if you don’t already have one and look around the site for 10 minutes
- Tuesday, March 8, from 5:30 pm– 6:30 pm: Webinar (1.5 hours)
- Optional: By Thursday, March 17: Post a draft plan to our online discussion forum
Note: For those preferring to attend the live webinar instead of viewing the recording of it, there is a synchronous option on Thursday, March 3 from 9:30 am–11:00 am.
You will receive a separate email from with information and the link for joining online a few days prior to the webinar.
Identify a tech tool and apply it to advising and helping students navigate a career planning or job search site from a distance
- Draft an objective and plan for an advising activity using this tool
Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:
United States