
Career-focused contextualized instruction is an effective way to begin aligning programming with the vision reflected in WIOA to support students in their academic and career transitions.

This workshop introduces strategies for using authentic materials to develop academic instruction contextualized to career-focused content and aligned with CCR Standards. You will learn key components of contextualized instruction by reviewing lesson materials and lesson planning tools, conducting hands-on activities, and experiencing a model contextualized lesson that draws on authentic.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Instructors of any class type or level who are just beginning the process of developing contextualized, career-focused lessons
  • Instructors of any class type or level who have some experience teaching and developing contextualized lessons and want to deepen their practice
  • Instructors in Adult Career Pathways and Integrated Education and Training programs

Using LaGuardia Community College’s evidence-based Bridge to College and Careers Program as a model, this workshop will introduce you to contextualized curriculum development strategies and assist you as you start to create your own curriculum.

During this workshop you will explore and deepen your understanding of contextualized instruction and its key components by reviewing lesson materials and lesson planning tools, conducting hands-on activities, and experiencing a contextualized lesson. You will begin to identify goals and materials to craft your own contextualized ABE, ASE, or ESOL lesson and take some of the initial steps in your own contextualized curriculum development process.

Following the session, you will be offered an opportunity for further curriculum support and feedback through individual coaching sessions to assist you in finalizing a classroom-ready lesson. You will also be invited to participate in the webinar “Contextualized Lesson Showcase.”

For more information about LaGuardia Community College’s College & Career Pathways Institute (CCPI), visit www.lagcc.cuny.edu/ccpi/.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Improve your capacity to address the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education
  • Implement classroom-tested lesson plans and teaching materials from LaGuardia’s Bridge to College and Careers Program
  • Improve your understanding of contextualized, career-focused concepts and approaches and how they can be applied to basic skills curriculum
  • Evaluate and choose an authentic material to use in a lesson
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
01/26/2017 - 9:30 am to 01/26/2017 - 4:00 pm

World Education, 9th floor
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210
United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Career Pathways
Topic Area
Career Pathways
Curriculum Development
ESOL/English Learners
High School Equivalency (HiSET/GED)
Workforce Development
Workplace Education
PDP Eligible