Come learn about FastForward, offered by KET Adult Education. FastForward is an online high school equivalency study system that students can access anytime, anywhere to strengthen skills in all test subject areas: language arts, math, science, and social studies.
KET licenses are available at no cost for programs with DESE funding. Please use this Request Form to request program licenses.
As part of our partnership with KET, Massachusetts has 1000 GED vouchers for student use. You can reach out to Paula Jurigian for information about accessing the vouchers.
KET is Kentucky Educational Television, a PBS affiliate. KET is an official partner of both GED® Testing Service and HiSET®.
ABE/HSE/GED®/HiSET® program administrators and teachers
This professional development activity/course is designed for:
Join us for this informational webinar to learn more about FastForward, KET Adult Education’s on-demand, mobile-ready, HSE study platform.
In this workshop, our KET FastForward presenter, Elizabeth Daniels, will help you get started setting up your program and classes. She will acquaint you with the structure of the FastForward HSE courses and how to leverage the system features, such as text-to-speech, and the class tools to your learners’ advantage. She will show you how to use the course management system to monitor learners’ progress and generate reports.
See the KET webpage on the SABES Program Support PDC website for more information about KET and their personalized training.
Several days before the event, Kathleen O’Connell at Kathleen_Oconnell@worlded.org will send you an email with the Zoom link.
Note: To ensure that you receive information about your training, please save Kathleen_Oconnell@worlded.org to your email address book.
If you can’t attend this session, we will be offering it again on February 1st at 1:00 p.m. See the SABES Calendar.
To receive alerts for events related to Program Support - Digital Literacy, make sure you’re signed up for notifications. Sign into your SABES account, click the “My Account” tab, select the “My Notifications” tab, and check off "Program Support - Digital Literacy."
Use KET’s FastForward to set up your center and classes and add your student and instructor users
- Navigate FastForward courses and use the gradebook and report generator
- Leverage FastForward’s curriculum, features, and class tools to promote your learners’ progress and proficiency in the four HSE subject areas
Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:
United States