A group of people sitting around a table

At this Digital Literacy & Technology Support Sharing & Learning Group, share digital literacy tools, resources, and strategies that you have found to be effective in your program. Hear from colleagues about their own practices, and ask fellow technology coordinators your questions. This group is for you and directed by you! To help us plan, share your agenda ideas by 5/22/24 on the DL&T Sharing & Learning Discussion Padlet. (Link opens in a new window.)


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Technology specialists, digital navigators, and anyone providing digital literacy or technology support to students or staff
  • Any level of experience

Do you want to hear from colleagues about what they have been doing at their programs and share what you have been doing at yours? Do you have ideas for supporting staff or students that you would like feedback on? This sharing and learning group is a community to support you in your practice, as well as a space to exchange approaches to the work you do.

The group is for staff whose work includes digital skill building support for students and teachers, including (but not limited to!) technology specialists, digital navigators, and instructors. Participating is a great way to strengthen your practice and hear new ideas for supporting students and colleagues with digital skills instruction!

The group will decide on topics so that we address your current needs and interests.

For half of this meeting, Gabriel Brum, Digital Literacy Instructor at the Immigrant Learning Center (ILC), will explain ILC's successful model that combines push-in lessons, support for teachers, drop-in office hoursand one-on-one support for students.

To help prepare for the rest of this meeting, please let the group know your questions and the topics you’re interested in discussing by posting them to our discussion board Padlet by May 22, 2024.

This is the last meeting for this fiscal year.

Questions? Contact Diana Satin: dianarsatin@gmail.com.

Several days before the event, Jane Brandt at jane_brandt@worlded.org will send you an email with the Zoom link.

Sign up for notifications to hear about other PD in this strand: To receive alerts for events related to Digital Literacy, make sure you’re signed up for notifications. Sign into your SABES account, click the “My Account” tab→ select “My Notifications.” and click "Program Support - Digital Literacy."

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
05/29/2024 - 12:30 pm to 05/29/2024 - 1:30 pm

United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
SABES Program Support PD Team - Digital Literacy
Topic Area
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
Education Leadership & Program Management
PDP Eligible