
ABE Licensure Prep Course has been designed to provide close, step by step support to practitioners seeking the ABE Teacher's License. It contains resources on theory, lesson planning, and assessment. The online modules facilitate the production of rough drafts of portfolio statements. License Seekers’ drafts are revised and finalized in quarterly face-to face workshops.


About the course:
•          36-hour hybrid course: Course runs September 14, 2015 – June 30, 2016
•          8 online modules
•          Face-to-face meetings
           –        Required: quarterly, 6-hour, statewide meetings at QCC: October 17, December 12, March 12, June 11
           –        Optional: monthly local / regional meetings
•          Starts September each year and continues through June of the next year
•          Individual coaching to edit and refine portfolio statement drafts.

ABE Licensure Coaches
•          The role of the coach will be to support the license seekers from beginning to end (application, MTEL, portfolio development, prep for observation, portfolio assembly)
•         Support will be available face-to-face at the quarterly 6-hour meetings and online using Blackboard discussion forums, journals, etc.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Fully describe the main tenets of on adult development theory and one adult learning theory and provide examples of how these theories have influenced their instructional practice.
  • Produce a lesson plan unit of no fewer than three sequential lesson plans that contain clear and measureable learning objectives, a variety of instructional approaches, activities that promote critical thinking or problem solving, assessments aligned with the learning objectives, and a means of collecting student feedback.
  • Fully describe one placement assessment and provide 2-3 student responses or scoresheets with a clear explanation of how the scores were interpreted and the resulting placement made.
  • Fully describe one learning gain assessment and provide examples of student responses or scoresheets with a clear explanation of how the scores were interpreted to indicate satisfactory or less than satisfactory gain.
  • Provide at least two examples of student feedback and a description of alterations made in practice to honor that feedback.

1. Minimum of 2,400 instructional hours of documented ABE teaching experience.
2. Bachelor's or a master's degree

09/14/2015 - 9:00 am
End Date

Online Modules with Quarterly Meetings at
Quinsigamond Community College
670 West Boylston Street, MA 01606
United States

PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Educational Leadership & Program Management
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
ESOL/English Learners
PDP Eligible