
The BEST Plus 2.0 seven-hour training is the first of three steps to become certified to administer the BEST Plus 2.0 test.

The other two steps, which must be completed within 3 weeks of the training, are to:

  1. Complete 10 practice test administrations
  2. Pass a Scoring Activity using the DVD in the BEST Plus Scoring Refresher Toolkit

*** Participants must arrive on time and attend the entire session. Also, please remember to bring a lunch.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • ACLS funded practitioners who need to be trained as BEST Plus 2.0 test administrators. Novice Level

The BEST Plus 2.0 seven-hour training is the first step in the process to become certified to administer the BEST Plus 2.0 test.  Within three weeks following the training, the following two steps must be completed.

Trainees must practice administering the Test with a minimum of five non-native speakers plus five other individuals that may include non-native speakers. These practice tests may not be administered to students who use the BEST Plus 2.0 to show gain. To access these tests, trainees must use software provided by their program site.

Trainees must complete a scoring activity using software provided by their program site.

You are encouraged to speak with your program director or ESOL coordinator prior to registering.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of standardized assessment
    Recognize the importance of assessing students' language abilities
    Administer and score the Best Plus 2.0 computer-adaptive oral interview
    Run the Best Plus 2.0 Test Administration Program
    Interpret Best Plus 2.0 scores
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
  • English fluency level of SPL 9 or above
  • Experience and comfort interacting with non-native English speakers
  • Basic comfort level with computers
08/08/2017 - 9:30 am to 08/08/2017 - 4:30 pm

World Education
44 Farnworth Street- 7th floor
Boston, MA 02210
United States

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Massachusetts NRS Assessments page
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PDP Eligible