Curriculum Unit: Doing Science - The Process of Scientific Inquiry

Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry—developed with the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)—is a creative, inquiry-based instruction program designed to promote active learning and stimulate student interest in medical topics. This curriculum supplement aims to help students develop the following major goals associated with scientific literacy:

- to experience the process of scientific inquiry and develop an enhanced understanding of the nature and methods of science; and

- to appreciate the role of science in society and the relationship between basic science and human health.

Lesson 1. Inquiring Minds: Scientists use various methods of scientific inquiry to learn about the natural world.

Lesson 2. Working with Questions: Scientists ask questions that are scientifically testable through investigations.

Lesson 3. Conducting a Scientific Investigation: Scientists think critically about evidence that should be collected.

Lesson 4. Pulling It All Together: Scientific inquiry is a process of discovery that begins with a testable question that can be investigated.

NOTE: This curriculum supplement is designed for grades 6-8. Other NIH supplemental units for these grades have successfully been used in part with ABE classes.

Visit this page to see all of the NIH curriculum supplements for middle and high school:

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SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team