Diagram PD Sequence for EBRI

Support your students with Evidence-Based Reading Instruction tools and strategies. Support yourself / your colleagues in this endeavor with quality professional development from the SABES ELA Curriculum & Instruction PD Center.

Get the big picture with To the Point: WIOA, EBRI, and STAR.

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STAR PD—For practitioners teaching or supporting a STAR class (targeted to GLE 4–8)

STAR training takes place over several months and includes self-paced online modules, live webinars, and an online community of practice. Participation in STAR includes coaching and technical assistance. STAR registrants who are only teaching GLE 4–8 do not need to enroll in other EBRI PD.

STAR FY21 training will begin in November 2020 and run through June 2021.

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General EBRI PD—For practitioners of emerging and advanced readers

  • Overview of EBRI (asynchronous webinar; prerequisite for other EBRI PD)—Repeats monthly; see ELA Events for monthly registrations

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EBRI Coaching: Ask the ELA C&I PD Center about working with an EBRI coach for post-PD support with implementation.

PD Center
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team