"News—The Good, the Fake, and the Funny"
Lesson 1 of 3 for the ELA unit,
"Where Did You Hear That? Becoming Critical Consumers of News Media"
Websites used in Lesson 1:
- MA STAR Handbook, pg. 17 chart of vocabulary strategies
- Video—Pizzagate
- Video—TED Talk: How False News Can Spread OR on YouTube
- On the Media’s handout—Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook, Fake News Edition Optional: there is also a 9-min. podcast, with transcript
These are examples of a satirical and straight pair of articles on the same topic—teachers are encouraged to choose their own current pair of articles.
- Satirical article example (from The Onion)
- Straight news article example (from The New York Times) NOTE: The Times allows for three free articles per month without a subscription
Lesson Plan and Handouts:
Topic Area
Civics and Citizenship
Curriculum Development
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team