OVAE contracted with MPR Associates, Inc. and its partners at Rutgers University, the University of Tennessee, and TERC to analyze the national Mathematics Advisory Panel’s report, Foundations for Success: The National Mathematics Advisory panel Final Report to see if any of its findings or recommendations could apply to mathematics instruction for adults. This analysis was guided by subject matter experts in the fields of mathematics education and mathematical cognition and learning, to determine its applicability to adult education. This analysis along with a review of research on adult education, adult mathematics instruction, numeracy education, and other relevant materials served as the foundation for the guidelines report. They serve as a blueprint not only for current work, but also as a potential guide for additional research to better understand how mathematics instruction can best be provided for different populations of adults pursuing diverse goals.

Topic Area
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
Media Type
Resource Type
Research/Evidence-Based Practice
PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team