English Language Learners / ABE Math self-paced online modules

Melissa with students

English language learners (ELLs) aren’t just enrolled in ESOL classes. In many programs, ELLs are in adult basic education (ABE) classes as well. However, ABE teachers may be unsure about how to teach math to these students effectively and in a culturally respectful manner.

ELLs in the ABE Math Classroom is a new self-paced, asynchronous online mini-course designed for all adult education practitioners who have English language learners in class. The five learning modules cover topics including implicit bias, cultural differences in math computation around the world, language acquisition considerations, and of course math activity ideas that can be used with students.

New course sections will begin on the second Monday of each month. Participants will have one month from course start date to complete this course. The estimated time commitment is five hours.

Upcoming sections (click your preferred date to view more information and register):

PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team