Data About the Gender Pay Gap

Equal Pay Day symbolizes the number of days, on average, that women have to work past the end of the previous year to have earned the same amount of money as men in that year. In 2021, Wednesday, March 24th was Equal Pay Day. The date signifies that a woman would have had to work nearly three full months into 2021 until she would earn the same amount earned by a male counterpart in 2020. Put another way, women earn in 15 months what men earn in just 12 months.

Lean In's website provides representations of current data on the gender pay gap. Data representations include bar graphs and line graphs. Graphs and charts include:

  • The pay gap by gender and race
  • The pay gap by education level (with options to compare earnings of women of different races with those of white men)
  • The pay gap by occupation (with options to compare earnings of women of different races with those of white men)
  • Average lost income over a 40-year career due to the pay gap, broken down by race

In a math class, these data could be tied in to lessons on representations of data and proportional reasoning. They could also be incorporated into lessons in other subjects such as history, civics, government, or politics.

After learning about the gender pay gap, students may want to talk about how to negotiate for a raise. This page offers some statistics on negotiating for raises from both the employee and employer sides. It also offers advice on deciding whether to pursue a raise and how to go about doing it. (Note that the target audience for the site is people pursuing or considering pursuing graduate degrees, so teachers may want to curate the advice for relevance.

Some ideas for sample math units/lessons:

Other general resources on the topic include:

Topic Area
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
Digital Literacy
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
Social Studies
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Resource Type
PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team