To support programs in meeting enrollment targets, the Program Support PD Center compiled this Guide to Recruting, Onboarding, and Enrollment Strategies based on presentations at the May, 2021 ACLS Directors’ Meeting session: The Key to Success? Flexibility!

These presenters' programs met or exceeded their enrollment targets for FY21, and we gratefully acknowledge their time to openly share their programs’ challenges and their efforts to turn them into opportunities. 

  • Jen Brunelle, Worcester Public Schools
  • Nancy Labonte, Bristol Community College
  • Marianna Geraskina, Catholic Charities/El Centro

We have categorized the 56 strategies contained in this Guide into four overarching topics, understanding that many cross multiple areas:

  1. Program Design
  2. Staff
  3. Students
  4. Technology.

As you review the strategies, we encourage you to identify new ideas that you can adopt or adapt.

Topic Area
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
Education Leadership & Program Management
New Staff
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES Program Support Team