PD Support for the Curriculum for Adults Teaching Math (CALM)

CALM Support series logo

The Curriculum for Adults Learning Math (CALM) was designed to give adult students a strong conceptual foundation in mathematics. Teachers who have worked with CALM know that it relies heavily on tactile manipulatives, visuals, and student collaboration and may feel very different (to both students and teachers) from the way they learned in school when they were younger.

There are currently regularly scheduled PD options for CALM: the CALM Introduction online course, the CALM Support live workshop series, and the face-to-face CALM Orientation. Please check the SABES calendar for dates. Individual and group CALM coaching is also available upon request.

CALM INTRODUCTION (online self-paced course)

This online asynchronous mini-course will provide an overview of the components of CALM, including the guiding principles, scope and sequence, developmental progressions, lesson structure, and teacher/student materials.

CALM SUPPORT SERIES (live online workshops)

This series is intended to help teachers deepen their understanding of the content, teaching strategies, and overall organization of the CALM curriculum. Each support session will focus on a specific content topic. Participants will experience CALM activities on that topic, reflect on CALM’s approach to teaching that topic, and share ideas and questions with other teachers.

   CALM Support topics

  • Area Models
  • Proportional Reasoning
  • Fractions, Decimals, & Percents - Benchmarks
  • Fractions, Decimals, & Percents - Operations
  • Geometry
  • Data
  • Positive and Negative Numbers
  • Algebra
  • Inequalities
  • Quadratics

CALM ORIENTATION (face-to-face, full-day)

  • A full-day opportunity for both directors and teachers to begin to understand how CALM is different from traditional math teaching. Directors are encouraged to participate in this orientation so that they understand how to help their teachers implement CALM. Teachers will have access to an online community of teachers using CALM. In it, they can share challenges and strategies and support each other as well as communicate with the CALM development team. Teachers will also be able to access the entire curriculum digitally.


  • This 90-minute, online workshop will cover some key details of what is in the MAPT score report and how to read it. We will look at a sample score report and investigate how to glean information from it that will be useful in making instructional decisions. Then we will explore the resources that are available in CALM for targeted assessment and instruction based on what we see in the score report.

CALM professional development opportunities may be bundled to earn Professional Development Points (PDPs). See the infographic and linked information packet below for details.

infographic of how to earn CALM PDP points

PD Team
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team